Sunday 27 October 2013

'A Doll's House' - Thoughts Preceding Study

I have watched the Young Vic's production of 'A Doll's House' twice now, and have found myself feeling the same way both times. 

I have found the play to be:
  • unsubtle in its themes
  • insufferable/difficult to watch at times due to the bird motifs and strange portrayals of love
Nora's speech at the end, however, is brilliant. I love it, I love its delivery in the version I watched, and I think that it is a particularly brave ending in its cultural context. Her epiphany removes the awkward rush of themes and twists in the second act. 

I'm looking forward to discussing the themes in greater depth in the weeks to come with my class. 

1 comment:

  1. Succinct. To the point. Cutting. Personal. Perceptive. What do you think the qualities of the delivery of Nora's final speech in this particular production were that appealed to you so much? Do you think the production accentuated what you are arguing is the unsubtle nature of Ibsen's themes? Looking forward to reading more in the future.
